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leaked: hub project 2018 [part 1 of 4]
leaked: hub project 2018 [part 2 of 4]
The videos have been blocked due to copyright claims by WBTS.
Are they available elsewhere? Have you considered submitting them to FaithLeaks?
well, its that time where i have to go to the boring convention.
so, i wanted to know if anyone had any good ideas on how too pass the time (i cant just try and listen i fall will asleep and i cant let that happen).. (only got a few weeks before i have to go its going too kill me but i got too do it).
Setup and maintain a PirateBox to inform the JW about TTATT.
as the leaked financial meetings show, watchtower (by it's own admission) has to liquidate 3000+ properties quickly.
how do they choose?
Doesn't one of the other leaked videos mention the number of buildings that the HQ real estate dept. cares for?
Can we calculate what % of kh that they're selling/have sold?
jesus christ, the son of the most high god, jehovah has this to say: "if the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you.
if you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own.
now because you are no part of the world, but i have chosen you out of the world, for this reason the world hates you.
Some people seem to be so fascinated about members of the governing body. They forget that only one is our leader, Christ. And only one is our God, Jehovah.
If by "some people" you mean the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, you're absolutely right. They have manoeuvred themselves between man and God, making Jesus stand in their shadow.
Don't believe me?
Then think about this: according to Watchtower teachings, is it possible to serve Jehovah and be accepted by Him without supporting and obeying the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses?
And if supporting and obeying the GB is vital for salvation and a good relationship with God, haven't they effectively placed themselves instead of Jesus? (compare Rom. 10:9; John 1:12, John 3:15, 16, 18; John 5:24; John 8:24; Acts 10:43)
leaked: hub project 2018 [part 1 of 4]
leaked: hub project 2018 [part 2 of 4]
Wow. They use VoIP now. After a project of 15 years according to their own words.
Excuse me.
Decent multinationals have been using VoIP for 15 years and didn't take so long to implement it.
Surely Jehovah's blessing is a curse in disguise.
i intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
The goal of evolutionists is to “explain” everything found in nature naturalistically.
That's the goal of all scientists in any field of science. Nature is what we can perceive, measure, detect, and try to understand. Anything supernatural is beyond investigation, and thus useless as a means to try and understand nature.
Claiming "we are stuck to Earth by the power of Shiva" doesn't do anything useful towards our understanding of gravity. Claiming "Thor makes fire go" does not help us in any way to understand how or what fire works. Claiming "Jawheh created all species of life" does not do anything to help us understand how life came into existence.
Furthermore, such claims cannot be proven or disproven*. "Zeus created us from his brother's excrements" is just as (in)valid and plausible as "We came into existence in Shiva's dream", which is just as plausible and (in)valid as "The Holy Trinity created us from dust"
*) of course the more ridiculous details that contradict reality in many supernatural interpretations of nature can be disproven.
This is really the “bottom line” for them (they will even go so far as to insist that science be defined as the search for “naturalistic explanations”
Indeed. If anyone could probe or even interview their god(s) of choice reliably, scientists would be happy to use that source of knowledge too. Unfortunately any and all of the thousands of gods people believe in conveniently hide themselves in the minds of their believers only. It's almost as if they don't exist.
Such a view excludes the possibility of creation a priori
No, it does not. Scientists would be happy to conclude some things or all things were created, as soon as they find evidence that it is. But such evidence simply hasn't been found yet. There's stuff we don't understand yet. There's stuff we can't explain yet. But none of that is explained by saying "Surely we exist because Shiva or Thor created us"
how indoctrination works: i was dreaming tonight about the summit between trump and kim.. heard the bible text about "peace and security" and "disqusting thing at a holy place"in my head and my brains were calculating with the number 666 (=6/12, date of today).. this is no joke.
since 1995 mentally out and since 2008 realy out, educated and reading quality stuff and still my brains do this crazy stuff.
Lol. I'm guessing you were 110% in and quite studious back in the day?
a good friend of ours and i were chatting the other day about the difference between a zealous person and fanatical person.. what is the difference?.
why is someone praised for being "zealous" , but another person is mocked or condemned for being a "fanatical" person?.
how would jws be classed?.
Fanaticism isn't just powered up zeal.
Fanaticism includes intolerance against those with differing viewpoints, refusal to contemplate being wrong, blind faith, absence of a sense of reality.
watched the jw finance video's.. they have sold all brooklyn landmarks.
they are selling other property maybe up to 3000 units worldwide.. so, there is going something wrong.... there must be a giant money leak.
I think the giant leak is diminished donations since literature became free, an economic crisis, plus financial mismanagement by uneducated, inexperienced, Jehovah-will-bless-us top managers (gb).
That lead to a huge cash flow and liquidity issue. They're not poor, but most of their money is/was tied up in real estate.
So over the last decade they have tried to fix the cash flow issue by reducing costs. They tried to solve the liquidity issue by selling off real estate, but you can only eat up your assets until they are gone. I think more important is thay less real estate means less cost, and that helps their cash flow issue.
What they are doing now is trying to make their financial situation sustainable. Cost are to match the income, which apparently it didn't (for a long time even?)
They're not poor, but bleeding. They're stopping the bleeding now to prevent themselves from becoming poor.
i recently had a discussion with a jw concerning a change in wording of a scripture - in fact this was my all time favourite scripture, namely, micah 6:8.. my view is that the wtbts have deliberately changed the wording and meaning of the said scripture.
the other person is of the opinion that that is not the case.
micah 6:8.
My view is that the WTBTS have deliberately changed the wording and meaning of the said scripture
Of course they changed this deliberately. Unless he JW wants to argue that the new NWT translation is the product of chance and accidents?
The real question is: did they change it because the new translation fits the meaning of the original text better, or did they change it to make their translation back up their efforts to retain members?
The best way to find out is to check this verse in many other translations, look up the meaning of the original words in a bible dictionary or reference, and look up other verses with the same original word and see how those are translated (e.g. use Strongs numbers and a concordance).
Happy hunting.